Sip & Purr Cat Cafe:  Milwaukee, WI, USA


Contact Information

Address: 2021 E Ivanhoe Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53202

Phone:  (414) 585-0707

Hours: Sun 10:00-18:00, M/W/Th/F/Sat 10:00-21:00; T Closed

Entrance Fee:  $8.48/hr



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Website / Social Media


Facebook: sipandpurrmke

Instagram: sipandpurrmke

Twitter: sipandpurrmke


Cat vs Cafe (50/50)


Review of Sip & Purr Cat Cafe

For me, hearing the origination story of cat cafes is always so fun and interesting. Katy’s story is particularly unique and memorable.

Katy McHugh is the owner and founder of Sip & Purr Cat Cafe. After visiting a cat cafe in Amsterdam, she set a plan in motion to open one in Milwaukee, and on June 1, 2018 she did exactly that.


However, that’s not the only international angle to this story. In addition to helping over 400 (!) Wisconsin-based cats find forever homes (in partnership with Lakeland Animal Shelter of Delavan) Katy also rescues cats from Egypt and Qatar. You read correctly!

Katy’s most recent rescue was Nala, an abandoned kitten from Cairo. Her story was a great success for advancing animal welfare, generated much visibility and interest in rescue, adoption, fostering and most importantly, spaying & neutering.

While the emphasis on rescue is serious, Katy (and Sip & Purr by extension) is sunny and lighthearted. A consummate host, she has created a space that is incredibly welcoming and inviting. The cafe has a classy and approachable vibe, combining modern, urban and vintage elements that make you want to hang out for hours.

The food and beverage menu is expansive, and the quality outstanding. There was much thought and attention to detail when planning the menu, which includes vegan and gluten free options, as well as beer, wine and mixed drinks. Coffee is sourced from local favorite, Ruby Coffee Roasters.

But let’s move on to why we really visit Sip & Purr…. the cats.

There were so many lovely kitties that I bounced around the room trying to pet them all. My favorites included Mitzi, an ear-tipped former street tabby with a forlorn expression, Arlo, a gentle silver tabby with the softest fur, and Little Sheba, a stunningly beautiful dilute tortie that lived up to the ‘sweet n sassy’ reputation by wielding plenty of tortitude.

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During our visit to the cat room, we were fortunate enough to spend time with Jen, a cat behavior specialist and kitty-loving kindred spirit. I’m telling you, cat people are some of the best folks on earth!

As we cuddled the kitties and swapped cat stories with Jen, it struck me how every visit to a cat cafe has given me so much joy. Somehow, it is the sum of these parts- cats, people, coffee, cafe - in total that create a confluence of sheer delight.

A huge thanks to Katy and her team for the incredible work they do rescuing and finding forever homes for the worlds most vulnerable cats. And thank you for creating such a happy space for humans and felines to come together!

And you, dear reader, will thank yourself for prioritizing a visit.

Date Visited:  9/1/19
